Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baby Blood Donors A Blood Donor Since High School As Type O Neg. During & After Baby My Blood Test Came Back O Pos. Is Possible?

A blood donor since high school as type O Neg. During & after baby my blood test came back O pos. is possible? - baby blood donors

I have years since my college blood. I even took a card from a blood donor, which showed that my blood type. Oh, it was negative. Then, suddenly, I became pregnant with my only son and my blood is not. But what matters is that my blood type O positive that all tests passed. Then came my blood type has changed? Will it change again? Blood in the future?


Tweek said...

Some possibilities:

Some say emphatically that your blood type has changed, ie, repeated as one thing, and then tested several times. Sometimes the change "took a pregnancy. However, as Sandy, the only medically accepted way of blood from someone who changes specified whether a bone marrow transplant (in which case you can remove the blood donors to).

Perhaps the information that you came back to his blood type is, little has been reported. As you know, there is a risk if the mothers of the negative sort, the implementation of the HIV-positive children, because they can produce antibodies against the RhD antigen, the rates of positive and negative rates do not. Perhaps the evidence is that the positivity rate, which does not carry any antibodies in the blood.

Or you may have low D ...

Probably better to ask further if you want more children, and this necessity is the mother refused to quiet their immune response to injections of HQrrying positive child, it can be if the father is positive (and mostly positive). It would be risky if the hospital was considered a false positive, without the injections. The risk is accumulated for each child is positive.

Sandy said...

Your blood type is not only "change" ... Have you ever had a bone marrow transplant? I suppose you thought a blood type different than they are, or were the kind of baby they wanted.

Vanessa's Mommy TTC #2 said...

the father of the child a role in the baby's blood type? My mother is O neg and I'm pos.

PD1 said...

Are you sure that this is not the blood type of her baby? I've never had a blood type just one change it?

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